The development of Trumpington’s close neighbour, the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC), including local hospitals (Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Royal Papworth Hospital and Rosie Maternity Hospital).
The 2020 site between Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the railway line, August 2007
Looking north towards Addenbrooke’s Hospital, the railway and Trumpington, August 2007
Constructing the bridge over the railway line for the Busway spur to Addenbrooke’s Hospital: from the west side of the railway. Photo: Andrew Roberts, September 2007.
Bridge over the railway line for the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway spur to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, September 2007
The cycle track from Addenbrooke’s to Great Shelford, where the Addenbrooke’s Access Road will cross the line, August 2007
The Busway bridge, LBM building, Cancer Research building and Cambridge Biomedical Campus site. Photo: Andrew Roberts, November 2012.
The Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre and Cambridge Biomedical Campus site. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 November 2012.
The exterior of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Open Day. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 22 June 2013.
The recently-opened Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 16 June 2013.
The interior of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Open Day. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 22 June 2013.
The interior of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Open Day. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 22 June 2013.
Looking towards Trumpington from the top floor of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Open Day. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 22 June 2013.
Looking across the site of the Astra Zeneca centre from the top floor of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Open Day. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 22 June 2013.
Dame Mary Archer Way, off Addenbrooke�s Road, with new car park in background. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 December 2013.
Looking across the CBC site towards LBM from Dame Mary Archer Way, off Addenbrooke�s Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 December 2013.
Looking across the CBC site towards LBM from Dame Mary Archer Way. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 December 2013.
Looking towards Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Addenbrooke�s Hospital from the Clay Farm spine road, 8 June 2014.
Looking towards Addenbrooke�s (including the new car park) from the Clay Farm spine road, 8 June 2014.
Overlooking the Papworth Hospital and AstraZeneca developments from the Addenbrooke’s car park, 14 April 2015.
Overlooking the Papworth Hospital and AstraZeneca developments and LMB from the Addenbrooke’s car park, 14 April 2015.
Overlooking the Papworth Hospital and AstraZeneca developments and Clay Farm from the Addenbrooke’s car park, 14 April 2015.
Overlooking the AstraZeneca development and Clay Farm from the Addenbrooke’s car park, 14 April 2015.
Construction work on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, from the Clay Farm park and lake, 20 December 2015.
Birds on the Clay Farm lake, with construction work on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in the distance, 20 December 2015.
Birds on the Clay Farm lake, with construction work on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in the distance . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from busway bridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca site near railway, from busway bridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca site near railway, from busway bridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca site, from busway bridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the Papworth site, from busway bridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the Papworth site, from busway bridge . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from the car park, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from the car park, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from the car park . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites and Clay Farm Centre, from the car park, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Construction work on the AstraZeneca site, towards Clay Farm, from the car park, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, AstraZeneca and Papworth sites from the busway bridge, 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, AstraZeneca and Papworth sites from the Clay Farm park, 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, AstraZeneca and Papworth sites from the Clay Farm park . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, Papworth site from the busway bridge, 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from the car park, 20 December 2015.
Lights during construction, early evening, the AstraZeneca and Papworth sites, from the car park . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 20 December 2015.
Looking from the Addenbrooke’s Road railway bridge over the field allocated for the expansion of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (the green field). Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 January 2016.
Looking from the cycle path from Great Shelford to Addenbrooke’s Hospital across the field allocated for the further expansion of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 January 2016.
Looking from the cycle path from Great Shelford to Addenbrooke’s Hospital across the field allocated for the further expansion of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 13 January 2016.
Looking from the White Hill permissive path towards Nine Wells and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus with the AstraZeneca site, LMB and the multi-storey car park. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 January 2016.
Looking from the White Hill permissive path towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus with LMB and the multi-storey car park. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 January 2016.
Looking from the White Hill permissive path towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus with LMB and the multi-storey car park . Photo: Andrew Roberts , 13 January 2016.
Panels forming part of the Science in Pictures art project around the AstraZeneca site, developed by AstraZeneca and local schools. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 28 January 2016.
Panels forming part of the Science in Pictures art project around the AstraZeneca site, developed by AstraZeneca and local schools. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 28 January 2016.
Preliminary work on the Cala Homes development, with CBC in the background. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 4 March 2016.
LMB and the AstraZeneca development from the Clay Farm park. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 May 2016.
LMB and the AstraZeneca development from the Clay Farm park. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 8 May 2016.
Papworth Hospital and the AstraZeneca building from the busway bridge. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
Papworth Hospital from the busway bridge. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
Papworth Hospital from the busway bridge. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
The main AstraZeneca building from the busway. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
Papworth Hospital and the main AstraZeneca building from Addenbrooke’s Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
Papworth Hospital and the main AstraZeneca building from Addenbrooke’s Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 11 December 2016.
Looking from Hobson’s Park towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with LBM, AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from Addenbrooke’s Road bridge towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from Addenbrooke’s Road bridge towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from the Busway bridge towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from the Busway bridge towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from the Busway bridge towards the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at night, with AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 30 January 2017.
Looking from White Hill to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, with the secondary AstraZeneca building, the new Papworth Hospital and the Multi-Storey Car Park. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 26 March 2017.
Looking from Addenbrooke’s Road bridge to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, with the university building, the secondary AstraZeneca building and the new Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 26 March 2017.
Looking from Addenbrooke’s Road bridge to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, with the university building, the secondary AstraZeneca building and the new Papworth Hospital. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 26 March 2017.
Looking from the roof of the Clay Farm Centre, east over Hobson’s Park to CBC. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 19 April 2017.
Looking from the roof of the Clay Farm Centre, east over the Busway, Hobson’s Park to CBC including LMB, with bus. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 19 April 2017.
Progress with the construction of the AstraZeneca building, from the busway bridge. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 15 September 2017.
AstraZeneca and Papworth Hospital from the busway. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 November 2017.
Looking north along the railway line towards the proposed site of Cambridge South railway station and the AstraZeneca energy centre, from Addenbrooke’s Road bridge. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 November 2017.
Ox-eye daisies beside Francis Crick Avenue, with LMB in the background. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 25 May 2020.
The Anne McLaren laboratory, being used as a Covid-19 testing centre. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 25 May 2020.